Marketers may think consumers search for local information mostly on the go, but that’s not correct, according to findings from a recent study. In fact, the survey found that 59% more often conduct local searches from home. Some 24% of searches are done in the car, while 7% are done while consumers are out and about, 7% at work, and 3% while traveling, according to a recent survey.
Brandify surveyed 1,027 U.S. consumers on Oct. 11, 12 and 31, and Nov. 1, 2019, and found that more than half of the searches during this time period were done at home, with about 81% on a smartphone. Some 22% were done from a desktop or laptop, and 9% were done on a tablet.
Consumers use local search tools frequently, with 35% saying they search multiple times a week. Some 18% search multiple times a day, and 16% said they search multiple times per month.
Brandify also found that 83% of consumers have searched online for a restaurant in the last 30 days, while 51% searched for a retail store, and 33% searched for a doctor or medical facility. Some 31% searched for a grocery store, 52% searched for a gas station, and 33% searched for a movie theater.
Google Maps is the most useful tool at 51%, followed by the business website at 19%. Yelp came in at 18%, and Google Assistant and Home at 13%.
After looking up a business online, 56% said the first action they would take is visit the physical business, 36% said call the business, and 13% said they would contact the business via email or online form.
When asked to identify how soon they are likely to visit in person after looking up a business online, 46% said within the next few days, 38% said the same day, 16% said right away, and 7% said much later if at all.
The top three pieces of business information consumers most want were hours of operation at 70%, basic contact information like address and phone number at 67%, and reviews from other consumers at 45%. Links to business websites at 39% and descriptions of offerings and services at 26% rounded out the top five pieces of information most important to those searching.
Believe it or not, at the bottom of the list, consumers rated special offers or promotions at 12% and tools such as appointment bookings at 6%.