
AB InBev Unit Partner In International In-Store Media Network

Three companies including beer giant AB InBev subsidiary Modelo are partnering to set up an international in-store media network in Mexico’s second-largest convenience chain, Modelorama, part of Modelo.

The other partners include retail analytics and software firm VSBLTY Groupe Technologies and retail consultant Retailigent.

Last week the companies signed a definitive agreement for a joint venture to set the plan in motion.

Deployment is underway in Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador with 5,000 locations to be installed by the end of 2021.

The advertising network will integrate store traffic data and analytics, coupled with sales and security data.

VSBLTY will be supplying its proprietary software for analytics, security, and visual display. Company CEO Jay Hutton said the technology “will enable the integration of store traffic and demographics with sales and other data that will help the stores in this first-of-its-kind network optimize their businesses in totally new ways.”

The partners will share the operating profits from the ad revenue. VSBLTY will also receive licensing fees for its software.




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