
Inbox Chillout: Consumers Are Less Overwhelmed By Pandemic-Level Marketing Volume

The national mood reportedly is improving. And with it the feeling of being swamped by emails and other marketing communications. 

Last fall, 78% of consumers said they were overwhelmed by more frequent marketing blasts. That has dropped to 63%, according to "New Habits Die Hard: How Trust Will Define Shopping In Summer 2021," a study by Avionos. 

It’s not clear whether this reflects a decline in volume or a better feeling about the barrage. But the study notes: “As consumers shift from digital to real-world interactions, brands are adjusting their ad spend and marketing strategies accordingly.”

The study also shows less consumer reliance on digital. Only 27% feel the best way a brand can show it cares is to offer an easy online/mobile purchasing experiences, down from 44% last fall. 

On the positive side, 48% say they’ll spend more this summer than they did last year at this time. Expenditures for big-ticket items like cars and vacations are planned by 37%. 

In addition, 77% now trust certain brands,, due to their actions during the pandemic. Also, 80% say trust is more important than it was prior to COVID-19. 

What drives trust? Here are the top five factors:

  1. Offering fair prices—48%
  2. Delivering correct/accurate orders—43%
  3. Following COVID-19 procedures, such as social distancing and regular sanitation—40%
  4. Delivering orders on time—35%
  5. Providing personal protecting equipment (PPE) to employees and customers—20%

It’s worth doing all the above, for consumers are likely to reward brands they trust with the following:

  • Signing up for a loyalty program—47%
  • Recommending the brand to friends/family—47%
  • Visiting stores in person—44%
  • Making online/mobile purchases—37% 

Who is getting that trust? Of the shoppers polled, 62% cite small local businesses and 36% large national retailers. Those numbers haven’t changed much since last fall. 

Of the 83% who would pay more when shopping with a local business, 42% say that’s because they share the same values. 

Want to make consumers feel you care? In addition to offering an easy online purchasing experience, here’s what they want from brands:

  • Responding quickly to inquiries on social media platforms, their customer help line, etc.—20%
  • Taking extra safety precautions (e.g., offering hand sanitizer or enforcing mask wearing during COVID-19—17%
  • Offering flexible, customer-friendly return policies—15%
  • Personalizing ads, emails, texts or other communications to ensure they’re relevant—14%

Avionos surveyed 750 U.S. consumers in April 2021. These respondents had shopped at both a major retailer and a small, local business other than a grocery store or restaurant since March 2021. 


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