To highlight the critical importance of research and discoveries, the University of Chicago has kicked off a brand campaign.
“The Day Tomorrow Began” is a response to attack against higher education and demonstrates the impact the university and other research institutions have on the world. It celebrates breakthroughs in various disciplines and the scholars responsible for them.
All work on the campaign was done in-house.
Targeting students, academics and lifelong learners, “The Day Tomorrow Began” includes videos, podcasts and online spots note the key moments that influenced pioneering research at UChicago.
The work is running on YouTube, Facebook and various other digital platforms.
From the discovery of black holes to quantum technologies, understanding sleep to finding the origins of civilizations, the university’s research is groundbreaking and essential to understanding the complexity of our world.
Futures series will address economics, cancer research, carbon dating, social work and the first nuclear reaction.
“People the world over look to the University of Chicago as a special place — one of the world’s leading research universities, and an ongoing source of breakthrough ideas and discoveries. Our faculty members have a distinct reputation for shaping and defining new fields of study," Paul Rand, VP of communications for the university told Agency Daily. The "Tomorrow" series brings to life those breakthroughs — and highlights where we are going next.”