Study: Fewer Clients Planning To Switch Agencies

For the first time in three years, search consultant Setup’s annual agency-client relationship survey reveals a 15% decrease in clients planning to switch agencies, which the firm concludes reflects stronger agency-client partnerships in 2024. 

This decrease, from 55% in 2023 to 40% in 2024, reverses a trend of increasing dissatisfaction in previous years. 

The flipside to that trend reversal: Though fewer clients are switching agencies, 68% are planning to review their agency partners by the end of 2024.  



Setup’s conclusion: “Brands are shifting toward deeper evaluations and realignment with business goals.  

Dissatisfaction with delivery has risen as the primary reason for clients rethinking agency relationships, with 48% citing it as a significant issue—an increase of 14% from last year. 

Additionally, the survey finds that 55% of clients now prefer specialist agencies over generalists. That said, 88% of clients indicate they would work with their current agency again if they were to part ways, signaling optimism for long-term partnerships if performance and value align. 

On the AI front, 80% of marketers are leveraging AI primarily for content creation, operational efficiency, personalization, and research—marking a shift toward data-driven marketing strategies. 

44% of those surveyed reported bringing more marketing functions in house. 

“While it’s encouraging to see fewer clients switching agencies, the rise in planned reviews emphasizes the need for agencies to provide stronger strategic value and delivery. The focus is shifting from reactive solutions to proactive, long-term partnerships,” said Joe Koufman, Founder & CEO of Setup.  

The report is based on a survey of 400 marketers between May and August 2024.  Access the full report here




1 comment about "Study: Fewer Clients Planning To Switch Agencies".
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  1. Joseph Koufman from Setup, LLC, November 19, 2024 at 9:09 a.m.

    Thank you for sharing our 6th annual - Setup Marketing Relationship Survey! The full report can be found at

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