Starry Night: Montefiore Einstein Shines Bright In Holiday Spot

Since 2020, Montefiore Einstein Hospital has released a holiday campaign that highlights its work with patients. This year’s clinical focus is children living with rare diseases.

Alto created “The Rarest Stars Shine Brightest,” a three-minute spot that raises awareness of Montefiore Einstein as a global leader in rare diseases, while showcasing the ingenuity of the kids.

The ad centers on five special kids that save the holidays for New York after a city-wide blackout.

Steve Rogers, a Cannes Grand Prix winner, directed the work. The OOH element is by artist Steve Chorney, known for his hand-drawn movie posters of “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” and “Who Framed Roger Rabbit.”

“Stars” is live across TV, social, OTT, OOH and digital. It airs through year’s-end, while print ads run into January. The integrated campaign invites viewers to learn more about rare diseases and Montefiore Einstein's expertise.



Hannes Ciatti, Chief Creative Officer at Alto, said: “The vision of Loreen Babcock, senior vice president-CMO Montefiore Health System, to put the academic medical center at the heart of this kind of magical storytelling has been a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the community and physicians that make magic happen every day.”

Alto’s client work includes Meta Quest, Upwork and Squarespace.

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