Tiki bars on trains. Sumo wrestlers clean a dirty opponent. Sad songs say so much. Let's launch!
"In a world gone soft, someone's got to be hard," declares the voiceover in a TV spot for Mike's Hard Lemonade. Yet three humorous ads
introduce viewers to Joey, a soft-spoken blonde adult male with a lisp that rivals Cindy Brady's. Joey designs a series of bottles in the first ad. They're soft, just like Joey, so his boss
finishes Joey's sentence with "you're fired," leaving him unsure if his boss is joking. See the ad
here. Ideas are suggested in an informal meeting to create a new Mike's Hard Lemonade. "Something for fat guys," replies Joey, as the camera pans the room to reveal multiple bulging
guts. Watch the ad here. Joey boasts about brilliant ideas that his company comes up with. He then reveals a concoction
he's been working on: Mike's Hard double caffeinated soy lemonade. His boss sees the drawing, crumples it up and yells, "We don't do soy." Click here to see the ad. There's also a revamped Web site that
houses current campaign elements, sweepstakes and Mike's blog. Amalgamated created the campaign and RJ Palmer handled the media buy.
The "Most Interesting Man in the World" returns as the spokesman for
Dos Equis beer, sharing his distinctive thoughts on topics ranging from cologne, rollerblading, grooming and tanning beds. In one TV ad, MIMitW describes his feelings for
rollerblading in one word: "no." Watch the ad here. The next ad plays like a mini interesting-man
bio: He's good at Snooker, is a lover and not a fighter, unless need be, and prefers Dos Equis when drinking beer. See the ad here. "Tanning Bed" means traveling to the South of France for color in the world of the
interesting man. Judging by his appearance, he practices what he preaches. Watch the ad here. "Stay thirsty,
my friends" concludes each spot. Print ads, seen here and here, take on cologne (less is more) and grooming below the Adam's apple. Euro RSCG New York created
the campaign and MediaVest handled the media buy.
HTC's first-ever brand campaign goes right after Goliath, Apple's iPhone. Promoting its HTC Touch, fingers actually do the walking in a 60-second ad that follows busy fingers to the
beach, the subway, disco dancing and ice-skating. "Set your fingers free," says the ad before even revealing what's being advertised. And then we see it: a phone with Internet, email,
music and videos, all at a thumb's reach. See the ad here. Print components promote HTC's line of phones and tray
table ads encourage fingers to dance the waltz, fox trot and cha-cha-cha, complete with instructions. Click here, here, here, here, here and here to see the ads. 180 Amsterdam created the campaign and Work Tank Seattle handled the media
Apple launched three new Mac vs. PC TV spots for its
"Get a Mac" campaign. PC joins group therapy for PCs living with Vista in the first ad. Mac fully supports this decision and watches as PC talks about his feelings and listens to feedback
from other group members. Sadly, one member has frozen and utters the same phrase over and over. "So hard to watch," utters another member. See the ad here. PC organizes a "Pep Rally" for himself in the next ad where the cheerleaders shift alliances from PC to
Mac. See the ad here. The guitar is only a prop used in PC's sad tale of woe. In "Sad Song," PC sings a
depressing country song, complete with howling dog at the conclusion. "Vista's got issues, and it's so glitchy. They're leaving me for Mac," croons PC. Watch the ad here. TBWA/Media Arts Lab created the campaign and handled the media buy.
Westin is launching a three-month campaign that's transforming eight Metro
North bar cars into Tiki bars, complete with palm trees and sunsets. What surprised me more than the palm trees was the condition of these train cars. First, they were completely spotless. Second,
there wasn't a single piece of duct tape in sight holding together the seating. I'm preparing for a unicorn sighting on my way home tonight. See the finished product here and here. The campaign, created by
Deutsch New York, falls under Westin's "This is how it should feel" effort.
Sumo wrestlers know how to let their hair down and have fun in "Car Wash," a sixty-second spot for the 2009 Subaru Forester, airing
in Canada. A dirty Forester gets washed by a group of Sumo wrestlers big and small. None are afraid of a little dirt, or water, for that matter. Serious cleaning morphs into a fun-for-everyone moment,
where wrestlers hose one another down, throw sponges at each other, sexily let their hair down and have their bare bottoms smacked by a towel. "Japanese SUVs just got a little sexier,"
concludes the ad, seen here. DDB Canada created the campaign, with help from The Corner
Gelazzi Café launched a newspaper,
outdoor and in-store campaign supporting its yearly "Chocolism" promotion. These ads should not be viewed on an empty stomach. Trust me. Four executions highlight various chocolaty gelato
concoctions along with copy urging chocolate lovers to "Release your inner chocolate lush" and "Go ahead. Give it a nice big mouth hug." Click here, here, here and here to see the ads. Looney
Advertising created the campaign and handled the media buy.