Graeme Hutton
Member since October 2006Contact Graeme- Consultant Graeme Hutton
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- Twitter: @graemehutton
- 6028 Patmos Eay
- Oceanside California
- 92056 USA
Moving from the UK to the US in the late 90s, Graeme has been at agencies such as Zenith and UM. In the mid 90’s, Graeme was chairman of the UK’s media auditing company, ABC, where he doubled the company’s revenues in two years by developing their business press and online media auditing. At that time, he also won the Media Award for Research from the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, the UK’s leading advertising agency industry body, for his thought leadership on how to develop media measurement. In 2010, his multivariate modeling for Sony Electronics won the Gold Award for Research from the Word of Mouth of Marketing Association’s which proved, as a first for the industry, the direct relationship between advertising and word of mouth. For this award, Graeme developed an algorithm demonstrating that the relationship between advertising and word of mouth was competitive – advertising-generated WOM is dependent both on a brand’s presence and its share of voice. In 2015, he won the Advertising Research Foundation’s Silver Award for automotive research for BMW Motorrad, the motorcycle division, where his research design, embracing both media and creative development, helped double BMW’s market share in less than 2 years. He is a member editorial review board of the academic journal, the Journal of Advertising Research.
Articles by Graeme All articles by Graeme
- Six-Point Checklist To Transform Conversation Power in
MediaDailyNews on
Paid influencers are far more effective in lifting brand consideration and preference than in impacting awareness. Here is a six-point checklist to spur consumers to talk about a brand.
- How Brands Can Thrive Amid Consumer Distrust in
MediaDailyNews on
UM found low confidence in the perceived "truthfulness" of virtually every information source in our lives.
- How One Pollster Correctly Predicted Brexit in
MediaDailyNews on
As the world reverberates from Britain's decision to leave the Europe Union, the shockwave making the vote all the more surprising was that no major polling company correctly predicted the outcome.
- The One Thing Worse Than Internet Ads Is... in
MediaDailyNews on
While younger adults might outwardly find Internet advertising annoying, framing the issue differently reveals quite a different perspective. Not only do 18-34s embrace online media, compared to older generations, they can also be open to certain types of online marketing.
- Why People Share in
MediaDailyNews on
At the Word of Mouth Marketing Association's Summit in 2010, Steve Knox, then CEO of P&G's in-house word of mouth marketing agency, Tremor, gave a compelling talk entitled "Why People Talk." Knox found that consumers talk when we give them an element of surprise that does not fit inside their existing expectations about the brand. What motivates us to share is closely related to what motivates us to talk. However, there are some key differences, nuances and amplifications that should be made.
- Enormous Changes At The Last Minute in
Media Magazine on
Our media consumption patterns may be known in microscopic detail, yet the motivations behind those patterns are largely assumed. The result of these quite dangerous assumptions: Small, often untraceable shifts can happen in our aggregate media consumption patterns each year that, over time, can subsequently cascade into a major avalanche of change that can seem to come from nowhere.
- [In]Sight: Social Media Literacy Rising in
Media Magazine on
Of all the data on our evolving media landscape I've unearthed over the last year, one fact has struck me much more forcibly than any other. Over the last 12 months, across the world, social networking has overtaken face-to-face as the primary way that Internet users maintain their social circles.
- Fashionista to Recessionista in
Media Magazine on
Consider this counterintuitive economic event: Currently, new cars can be cheaper than used cars of the same model. According to "... Deals on some new cars are so generous that they actually make the new car less expensive than the year-old version of the same model."
- [In]SIGHT: Re-Engaging in the Lab in
Media Magazine on
John Billett, transatlantic media consultant, once quipped to me a telling observation that is probably the root of all the over-extended discussion that has dogged that much-abused word, engagement. Essentially, he posited that any reasonably intelligent intern could join a media agency and hopefully, after a couple months, he or she would fully appreciate basic media planning concepts such as reach and frequency.
- Proof: The Mouth-Off Multiplier in
Media Magazine on
We live in an age where the rallying cry "the consumer is in control" has almost become a cliché. That said, how then do we embrace that most mercurial, yet powerful, of touch points - word-of-mouth? Some seem to believe generating word-of-mouth means motivating others to spread our marketing message. Others argue if marketers should do anything at all, just seed the idea with the brand's biggest fans and then get the hell out of the way. But if we really want to incorporate wom, ways exist to draw on research to ensure we develop cohesive, scalable and repeatable strategies.
Comments by Graeme All comments by Graeme
- Six-Point Checklist To Transform Conversation Power
Graeme Hutton
Ed Keller
(MediaDailyNews on
Hi John, thanks so much for your feedback. These are standardized econometric sales elasticities reviewed in top academic journals and presented by Prof Dominique Hanssens of UCLA Anderson for the Marketing Science Institute. To see more, you can buy MSI’s book with all the details (, or alternatively see a free informational video hosted by the MMA in the US for the benefit of the industry as a whole (
- Obit: Agency Media Chief, Auditing Pioneer Michael Lotito, Dead At 57
Joe Mandese
(MediaDailyNews on
Mike truly was one of the industry's greats. He is the reason why I moved from London to the States. It's hard to be more influential than that in someone's business life. He will be sorely missed.
- Recma: Carat Is The Best All-Around Media Agency Network
Steve McClellan
(MAD on
Agreed, the resolution of the graph does not clearly show the trend in agency rankings. Can it be re-posted please at the correct resolution.
- Anyone With Eyes Can See That Commercial Clutter Is On The Rise
Adam Buckman
(TVBlog on
While TV ad clutter may be on the rise, where's the concrete proof that more ads means less effect per ad. If "Fox increased its commercial load by 15 percent... while NBC decreased its commercials during the quarter by 6 percent", presumably by the logic above, NBC ad effectiveness should have relatively improved by about +21% vs Fox. Has it?
- 'Downton' Fans Have Reason To Be Worried
David Goetzl
(TVBlog on
How quaintly parochial that the author of this article sees a British TV production company chasing “ad dollars” in the UK. Dollars. Really?
- GroupM Taps Tunnicliffe As Chief Growth Officer
Steve McClellan
(MediaDailyNews on
Mike, I wish you well. Best personal wishes. Graeme
- Marans Heads ARF Media Efforts
Wayne Friedman
(MediaDailyNews on
Fantastic news! Great for David, the ARF and all its members.
- Enormous Changes At The Last Minute
Graeme Hutton
(Media Magazine on
Yes, you raise an excellent point. The brain’s plasticity and ability to adapt over time is only now just being fully realized. Generational constructs which are much more well-established than those pertaining to media, such as the mid-life crisis and the empty nester syndrome, are being shown up for what that really are: somewhat spurious. As 'media' becomes increasingly important to our society in answering informational and entertainment needs, I think generational trends in media may adapt over the long term. Clearly, passive media pursuits such as TV consumption readily lend themselves to adoption by everybody. But more high involvement and active media, such as texting, video games, social media and so forth, are more likely to be initially espoused with those with the available time which tends to be teenagers. Nevertheless as these gain acceptance in society, so their take up expands across early adopters of all age groups

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