Joe Kutchera
Member since April 2011- Managing Partner Latino Link Advisors
- http://www.latinolinkadvisors.com/
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/joekutchera
- Twitter: joekutchera
- 1623 W Broad Street
- Richmond Virginia
- 23220 USA
Joe Kutchera is a digital marketing and content advisor, working with clients including The BBC, Flipboard, Hanley-Wood, Health Net, Mattel, MotionPoint, AgroAmerica and The Valentine Museum. He is founder and managing partner of Latino Link Advisors where he develops content strategies for social media, oftentimes with an emphasis in reaching the Hispanic/Latin American markets. Joe is the author of three books including Faces of a Fish Empire, E-X-I-T-O: Su estrategia de marketing digital en 5 pasos, and Latino Link: Building Brands Online with Hispanic Communities and Content. He has been featured on ABC News, Advertising Age, BBC Mundo, CNN en espaƱol, Entrepreneur.com, The Financial Times, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and Telemundo.
Articles by Joe All articles by Joe
- The Total Market Approach Starts With Why in
Engage:Hispanics on
Whenever I hear the term "Total Market Approach" to Hispanic marketing, I scrunch my face in doubt since it strikes me as a "one size fits all" path to cost reduction. Perhaps some marketers do use it to avoid the difficult work in segmenting multicultural audiences or as a means to consolidate the advertising agencies they hire. But last week, at the Association of National Advertisers' Multicultural Conference, a handful of companies provided examples that not only edified me as to what the term "Total Market Approach" exactly means but, moreover, changed my opinion in the process by providing examples of their work.
- Developing Latino Leaders To Deliver Growth in
Engage:Hispanics on
Does your company's talent pool reflect the audience segments that will deliver the fastest growth? And have your executives fostered opportunities for a diverse leadership team that can best understand multicultural America?
- Connecting 'Like A Good Neighbor' On Facebook in
Engage:Hispanics on
Find your voice and your passion, first and foremost. Once you have established this, remember the key to a successful relationship is to listen twice as much as you speak, and keep the conversation engaging, culturally relevant, in-language and above all, genuine.
- Viva La Musica! in
Engage:Hispanics on
As the English-speaking Latino audience grows in size and importance, how can marketers develop culturally relevant promotions for Hispanics? Bernardo Meza, brand manager for Wrigley Multicultural Marketing, answered that question by describing his company's "Vive tu Música with 5" program, which aims to build awareness for 5 Gum among bi-cultural Hispanic consumers.
- Reaching The 'New Mainstream' Via Social Media in
Engage:Hispanics on
One marketer who clearly sees the growth of multicultural audiences converging with the growth of social media is McDonald's. Rick Wion, director of social media for the company, gave an excellent keynote presentation on "Multicultural Social Media," specifically detailing how he manages its 3.6 million fans on Facebook, 60,000 followers on Twitter, 4000+ daily check-in's on Foursquare, and 2 billion daily views on YouTube.
- The New Brand Marketing = Content Online in
Engage:Hispanics on
Que Rica Vida, General Mills' Spanish-language website, aims to serve its audience as a trusted friend and resource by providing culturally relevant content that can help moms adjust to their new lives.
- Might Online Media Disrupt Acculturation? in
Engage:Hispanics on
Six experts discuss this issue, after which you are invited to leave your comments, links to research and additional questions below.
- Ad Networks Multiply: What's The Difference? in
Engage:Hispanics on
Because of this trend, a number of ad networks have opened shop to serve the needs of advertisers looking to reach these Hispanics visiting foreign (mostly Latin American) web sites. In this article, I will answer a few questions about and then compare the leading ad networks that focus on the U.S. Hispanic market.
- Q+A: Blake Chandlee, Facebook's Director of Sales, Europe, Middle East, Asia in
OMMA Magazine on
When Facebook's director of sales in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, Blake Chandlee, presented at IAB Spain's conference recently, he said in order to generate new demand for products, marketers need to move up the consumer funnel. "The power of the social graph is changing the discovery process," he said.
- Coke Opens Happiness Via Educational Promotion in
Engage:Hispanics on
"This promotion provides a tangible tool for being able to attain that dream," says Coke's Reinaldo Padua. "One of the most popular products in the market for learning English among Hispanic consumers is Inglés sin Barreras. We are excited that Coke can offer access to that material with our partner."
Comments by Joe All comments by Joe
- How Digital Is Changing This Market
Jose Villa
(Engage:Hispanics on
Good article Jose. Your points are correct except for marketers of services especially banking, insurance, and travel. Anytime a company wants to sell an intangible product online, a multilingual e-commerce site helps a great deal since photos of the product won't cut it.
- Gross Rating Point Metrics Will Be Good for Online Advertising
Dave Morgan
(Online Spin on
Great article. By creating consistent metrics across all media, we can make our clients' jobs easier...or, enable marketers to more easily compare media vehicles and reduce confusion about metrics.
- e-G8 to G8: Do No Harm
Dave Morgan
(Online Spin on
Great article. In contrast, it's exceptionally disappointing to see governments like Iran cut itself off from the global Internet. In its case, Iran plans on establishing a "national Internet." Read on WSJ.com here: Iran Vows to Unplug Internet http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704889404576277391449002016.html

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