Charlene Weisler
Member since March 2004Contact Charlene- Strategic Media Advisor Writer, Media Consultant: WeislerMedia.blogspot.com
- http://www.weislermedia.blogspot.com
- 3 Sheridan Square
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Articles by Charlene All articles by Charlene
- Matching Ads With Emotional Context To Programming: Wurl's AI Approach in
MediaDailyNews on
Aligning an ad's emotion to the content's emotion, brands can improve viewer memorability and campaign engagement.
- The Upfront Evolution Explained: Q&A With DeadLizard's Todd Reinhart in
MediaDailyNews on
"The key drivers of change over time are storytelling, technology and resources," says Reinhart.
- Conservatives Lured By 'New,' Rather Than 'Improved' Product Messaging in
Marketing Daily on
In other research from recent CLIK Conference, consumers found smaller, more frequent giving -- rather than one blow-out check -- a better sign of corporate social responsibility.
- Preparing The Media Industry's Next Generation: Future Now's Founder Margaret Kim in
MediaDailyNews on
Kim advises students to "learn about the industry, connect with leaders as well as your peers, and volunteer with Future Now or other trade organizations to gain experience and hone skills."
- Building Global CTV Apps: Q&A With Norigin's Ajey Anand in
MediaDailyNews on
"Increasing the times spent on apps alongside good content is the goal," says Anand.
- TV Of Tomorrow 2023: Q&A With Tracy Swedlow, Event Co-Exec Producer in
MediaDailyNews on
Tracy Swedlow, co-exec producer of TV of Tomorrow and CEO, TMRW Corp., says: "In addition to fueling the growth of streaming, it's arguable that the pandemic also accelerated the rise of shoppable TV."
- Using AI To Translate Human Language Into Data: Q&A With Inuvo's Melodie Du in
MediaDailyNews on
Inuvo has created a language-model-based, generative AI capable of identifying the words associated with the audience for any product, service, or brand.
- The Ultimate Interview: ChatGPT Forecasts Some Media Trends in
MediaDailyNews on
Will linear TV be around in five years? Yes, according to ChatGPT.
- NYU, ARF Set Second Year Of Marketing Insights Certificate Program in
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"The program reinforces best practices, especially in areas where there is fuzziness," says ARF CEO Scott McDonald.
- CLIK Behavior Research Forum Focuses On Real-World Applications in
MediaDailyNews on
"The best research is rigorous, but it is also relevant, and for me that always means starting in the marketplace," noted Professor Michael Barone.
Comments by Charlene All comments by Charlene
- The Upfront Evolution Explained: Q&A With DeadLizard's Todd Reinhart
Charlene Weisler
(MediaDailyNews on
Hi Ed,I generally agree with you because the buy/sell and stewardship systems are still reliant on age/sex grps. Where I think the evolution is taking place is in the sell-in presentation which seems to me to be more behavioral, emotiional and psychological. Once that connection is made with the advertiser, it then has to be wedged back into traditional spots and dots for processing.
- Kristin Dolan Named CEO Of AMC Networks
Joe Mandese
(Television News Daily on
Congratulations to Kristin. She is a great leader and very data savvy.
- A Look At Global Converged TV Trends: Q&A With TVSquared's Jamie Lemle
Charlene Weisler
(MediaDailyNews on
Thank you, Ed.
- Measurement In The Age Of Data and Fragmentation
Charlene Weisler
(MediaDailyNews on
Thanks Ed. Great comment and something to keep in mind.
- Explaining CPM Increase: Q&A With SQAD's Marc Krigsman
Charlene Weisler
(MediaDailyNews on
Thanks Ed!
- Thinking Out Of The Box: Q&A With CDA's Jin Kim
Charlene Weisler
(Marketing Daily on
Jin intended to say “recall rates” not retention rates. That is taken from a 2012 Nielsen study when mobile video was just starting to take off. Please see citation below:https://www.emarketer.com/Article/Mobile-Video-Bumps-Up-Brand-Health-Metrics/1009490
- Thinking Out Of The Box: Q&A With CDA's Jin Kim
Charlene Weisler
(Marketing Daily on
I will ask. Thanks for the comment.
- Operating In Bifurcated Media World: Q&A With Operative's Lorne Brown
Charlene Weisler
(Television News Daily on
Hi John,Good question. I was referring to impressions from a TV centric perspective which implies ads that are visible. In the digital space, I would presume that the impressions would be based on ad seen. Ideally impressions could be the common denominator for a range of platforms and media but perhaps defined differently according to platform. I am not sure that there is a common definition for impressions.Best,Charlene
- Looking Ahead To Tomorrow's Tech Advancements
Charlene Weisler
(MediaDailyNews on
Hi Jack, Great to hear from you. I have years of interviews, yours included, that have predictions. Maybe an article on how well we all predicted the industry is warrented!
- What Is The Future Of Television?
Charlene Weisler
(Television News Daily on
I don't think anyone will go out of business but I do think there will be a bit of pain as legacy media adapts to the new ad tech world. Think of how print has had to retrench and then adapt. And is print back to where they were before? Not yet.

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