David Dowhan
Member since March 2012Contact David- President TruSignal
- www.tru-signal.com
- LinkedIn: ddowhan
- Twitter: daviddowhan
- 55 Hawthorne
- Suite 840
- San Francisco California
- 94598 USA
Passionate data-driven marketer and technology geek.
Articles by David All articles by David
- The GDPR And Facebook Fallout: Short-Term Pain, Long-Term Gain For Data-Driven Advertising in
Marketing Daily on
The data landscape will shift dramatically, restoring power to the mid-tier players in the industry, advertisers and data brokers alike.
- What CDPs Can -- And Can't -- Do in
Digital News Daily on
The most recent Marketing Technology LUMAscape shows more than 20 customer data platforms (CDPs), a category that didn't even exist two years prior. Whether they formally use that term or not, an increasing number of companies are offering a unifying data solution, bringing email reactions, chat records, social media responses, site visits, purchases and more together in one platform. While this is a fantastic option to organize customer data to uncover cross-sell and upsell opportunities, it cannot be mistaken as the magic bullet to achieve all data-centricity. In order to realize a more comprehensive data strategy, there are three critical components that CDPs lack.
- What Data Science Can Learn From The Slow Food Movement in
Marketing Insider on
Why a little snobbery can go a long way.
- DSPs, DMPs And Data Providers: Separate Or Together? in
Real-Time Daily on
In the move toward data-driven cross-device targeting and marketing, marketers are pushing for a more seamless link between data, its application and its activation. That calls for a consolidation in the lumascape as the lines between DSP, DMP and data providers will blur.
- Mining 'Big Data' For Political Donors in
Online Media Daily on
Red states and blue states and often predictable in their political allegiances. But when looking for likely campaign contributors, expect the unexpected. It's all in how you analyze the data.
- Finding The "Answer" In Display Ad Targeting in
Marketing Daily on
When it comes to targeting ads to consumers on the Internet, the "Answer" is marketers' own data.
- Secrets Of Generating High-Scoring Leads in
Performance Insider on
The use of predictive modeling to score online consumer sales leads has been embraced by interactive marketers across a wide range of product and service categories, from education, insurance and financial services to telecom and automotive. Real-time sales lead quality scoring has fundamentally changed the dynamics of lead pricing, budget allocations and conversion ROI for advertisers and lead providers alike. So what are the secrets behind these algorithms, and what makes them effective for lead scoring?
- Optimizing A Lead Generation Marketing Budget In Tough Times in
Performance Insider on
In 2009, we're all going to hear more talk than ever before about what constitutes "quality" online leads. And there will be plenty of accompanying disagreement about what the word quality means as lead buyers try to squeeze the most out of their pressured budgets.
Comments by David All comments by David
- The Flailing Donald Trump
Joe Mandese
(MediaDailyNews on
Good points Joe - Couldn't agree more and when publishers are under tremendous financial pressure - it's the entire industry that is under attack. Please encourage all of your friends and family to subscribe and pay for REAL news like NYT, Washington Post, et cetera. It doesn't matter if you're red, blue or purple - just lend your financial support. Of course you will not agree with everything they have to say - but that's the point, isn't it? We need a strong, free press to challenge our thinking and provide an unvarnished truth of the facts.
- TV's Addressable Future Is Closer Than You Think
Cory Treffiletti
(Online Spin on
Cory - One more angle on your patent - why not have each user automatically "register" themselves to the TV when they come into a room and sit for a period of time via their a smartphone? This would work best as a passive login, that doesn't require the user to do anything. A simple BlueTooth sync would do the trick and could account for multiple viewers within the same room watching the same show. Now with a mobile device registered as watching a specific TV, on a specific channel, during a specific day/time (and unregistered when you leave the room to get a snack), we are much closer to getting a 1:1 read on actual exposure. Moreover, it may even be feasible for the TV to push the record that someone was exposed to a particular ad directly to sync'ed mobile phone itself and maintain a roster of ads exposed to a specific user on their local device. (Think redeemable coupons that get picked up by your mobile phone upon TV exposure so there is some incentive for the consumer to opt-in to such a sync). Since I'm carrying my mobile phone everywhere, it is now possible to correlate my trip to a particular retailer with exposure to the ad (think beacons for in-store movement and coupon redemption from my smartphone at POP systems). We can also get at causation if there is a reasonable control group of unexposed users too. There are clearly a number of privacy considerations here, but the technology to do all of these pieces is absolutely here right now. Now... about that patent.
- Marketing Attribution Models Are Not A Magic Wand To Improve Sales
Greg Coleman
(Marketing Daily on
Jeff - Greg is very careful to make the distinction between correlation and causation. He is saying that advanced attribution tools can give good insights into the path to purchase...which touch points are correlated with a purchase. But just because a particular touch point is on the path to purchase does NOT mean it helped to cause the final purchase itself. The causation of a particular campaign can be assessed through carefully controlled A/B testing, not by connecting the dots along a path to purchase. I do understand that advanced attribution systems can provide extremely valuable insights into the relative importance of various channels and help guide channel budget allocation; however it is incorrect to calculate the "credit" that a particular campaign should be awarded on the basis of the timing, frequency, and placement of a touch. This is making a huge leap of faith from correlation to causation. In short, my position is: Attribution Systems good for understanding path to purchase, and allocating budgets across channel mix. A/B testing - good for campaign-level ROI analysis I would absolutely love to be proved wrong here (and maybe a demo of Convertro would help me see the light), but I have not come across an attribution system yet that can calculate campaign-level ROI using causation as the basis instead of correlation.

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