by Thom Forbes on May 29, 12:30 PM
In 2007, I wrote the cover story for the premiere edition of Content, a magazine produced by the Custom Publishing Council, surveying the state of the industry. Eight years isn't that long ago culturally - both "Mad Men" and the iPhone had made their debuts - but this sentence I used to sum up the disruption that was clearly on the content horizon seems as dated as the BlackBerry "device" you were probably using then: "It won't be long before consumers are using cell phones to scan a barcode that will instantly yield both a recipe for the product and …
by John Miller on May 15, 3:02 PM
In this era of preference marketing, buyers are in control. When online information became ubiquitous, the customer suddenly didn't have to simply accept what marketing delivered; she now had choices. To win her business, we need to create a connection that goes well beyond a transactional relationship. To me, that's the rationale behind content marketing: instead of an organization broadcasting inward-focused messages, it must deliver value to the marketplace in order to create the customer connection.
by John Miller on May 8, 2:54 PM
Just about everyone has embraced content marketing. And some people are even succeeding with it. However, a shockingly high percentage of B2B content marketers report that it really isn't going all that well. According to a recent Content Marketing Institute study, just 38% of content marketers say their efforts are effective. Which means that almost two-thirds of content marketers are coming up short. Why is that?
by J. Max Robins on May 1, 11:17 AM
How many million marketing dollars will Coca Cola have to spend to make us believe it's in the business of promoting good health, instead of pushing a constant craving for its sugar- and chemical-laden drinks?
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