As the pace of technology changes, search will continue to accelerate. Now, with a deeper connection to Xbox One, Microsoft will sink more money and resources into building out Bing … Read the whole story
Video, mobile, social, and better search capabilities continue to make it easy for consumers to buy online -- not just kids, but also older … Read the whole story
Amanda Massello believes the value of title tags is understated. She points to ecommerce businesses that have begun to differentiate themselves within the search … Read the whole story
Yahoo Search has been experimenting with colors, features and layouts, as the company tries to determine the correct mix to boost clicks across properties … Read the whole story
According to the survey, 16% of Hispanic consumers use their mobile devices for their purchases, compared with 12% of general market consumers. According to … Read the whole story
Yesterday's Starcom report that shows audiences really seem to be a lot more interested in content than where the content originated should be good … Read the whole story
Eric Mugnier, senior vice president at M&C Saatchi Mobile, sounds off on the agency's approach to mobile and broader topics -- from Facebook to … Read the whole story
While a large percentage of actual shopping transactions may not happen on a smartphone, it doesn't mean the mobile device isn't having a significant … Read the whole story