The timing of a just-released new analysis from the Pew Research Center couldn't be better.
The Pew report, which analyzes how much -- and in what ways -- 698 members of Congress have been using social media for themselves and their campaigns, comes as Congress once again is hearing …
And for an unbiased, more obective view of the findings, you should check out Pew's actual report on its findings that speaks to keywords and topics vs. Joe's concentration on links which aren't even mentioned in Pew's summary....the implication that the GOP primarily posts false information. Nor does Joe offer any insight as to how many of all posts actually included any type of link and/or what it may be used to support.
Bleeding of bias, Joe.....
@Dan Ciccone: Or you can actually read my "Red, White & Blog" column all the way through and you'll see the keyword analysis. And if you click on the link in it, you can read the entire Pew report (not just the summary) including its analysis about the decline of Republican linking.
Or if that doesn't work, just stick your head in the sand.