YouTube TV Subs Soar 35%, Legacy Pay TV's Fall 12%

YouTube TV is not only the fastest-growing virtual pay TV provider with an estimated 6.9 million subscribers, but has surpassed Dish Network (6.7 million), and now has become the fourth-largest of any pay TV provider of any kind, says MoffettNathanson Research.

YouTube TV has grown 35% year-over-year (at just over …

2 comments about "YouTube TV Subs Soar 35%, Legacy Pay TV's Fall 12%".
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  1. baja besi from MB, January 5, 2024 at 2:07 a.m.

  2. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, January 5, 2024 at 8:13 a.m.

    Still, 6.9 million subs is hardly a vast reach opportunity for advertisers---despite their issues with cord cutting and the possible loss of carriage fees, most cable channels easily top the You Tube figures---even many of the smaller, more selective channels.

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