TV-Network Groups' 'Strict Bundling' Demands Must Change: DirecTV

The recent court decision to temporarily stop Venu Sports -- a joint venture among Walt Disney, Fox Corp., and Warner Bros. Discovery -- has prompted  one major legacy pay TV executive to call for a reexamination for the broader TV “bundling.”

“While DTC [direct to consumer] offerings have evolved, pay …

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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, August 22, 2024 at 7:20 a.m.

    The problem with offering consumers "skinnier" packages---meaning that consumers can largely pick only those services or channels that they want----is that most consumers will select only 5, 10 or, maybe 20 ---not the far larger numbers now included in many bundles.To make that work  the subscription prices for individual selections will have to rise tremendously and many channels will not survive long at such high prices as their audience  and  ad revenue bases will be severely  reduced. Obviously, as the great shakeout of lesser cable channels---to be followed by their streaming counterparts-----unfolds, bundling of some magnitude will still be needed to create the essential business plan efficiencies that most program content supplier require .

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