Metric Shows Critical Connection Between Time And Attention

GumGum’s attention metrics company Playground xyz has developed a new attention framework to offer advertisers a way to better understand how time directly influences outcomes.

The company calls the metric Attention Time. It defines the length of time, in seconds, that an ad was directly viewed.

The attention metric, Optimal Attention, measures media delivery, according to Rob Hall, CEO of Playground xyz.

Hall explains that the technology simulations combine real-time, opt-in eye-tracking panelists and a brand-lift study, then tie together the results to build the Optimal Attention curves.

Curves are created by synchronizing attention-measurement data with brand-lift survey results. This process involves analyzing the length of time an ad is viewed, and then correlating seconds of the metric -- Attention Time -- to varying shifts in brand-lift metrics.



The company believes marketers should be able to use this attention metric -- which uses opted-in eye-tracking technology and predictive models in real-time -- as a proxy for outcomes.

GumGum has worked with 35 brands from about eight advertisers worldwide through this framework. Many apply the metric to refine media mixes, optimize creative execution, and recalibrate their channel strategies.

The key challenge cited in creating this metric was linking attention data to brand-lift metrics because it is based on recognizing that not all attention is of equal value -- and different brands, creatives, formats and channels convert attention to outcomes differently.

Hall said the framework is versatile and applicable across various digital environments including display, native, online video, streaming, and social media platforms with more environments to come.

The company provided the following example of how it works: A brand might discover that 2s Attention Time on YouTube Bumpers is required before a significant lift to Consideration occurs, whereas Purchase Intent happens at 4s. And using this real-time measurement, they may find the average attention they are getting on their media buy for Bumpers is 2.5s. Thus, they determine that format is delivering Consideration well but they aren’t hitting the required attention to move Purchase Intent. 



1 comment about "Metric Shows Critical Connection Between Time And Attention".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, March 1, 2024 at 12:58 p.m.

    Laurie, while I wish GumGum the best---nice name choice, btw, ---as I'm sure you are aware, this is hardly a new approach. TVision has been doing this kind of thing for some time and the same method---more or less-- has been utilized in pre-testing for TV as well as print ads off and on for many years. The problem is that advertisers need to have a fairly extensive backlog of such information to create norms to help them in evaluating current ad performance. Also,  they need more than one kind of measurement to get a fuler picture of ad impact and, in particular, to understand why the result--either good or bad ? That's the only way they can move forward and avoid the same mistakes in the future.

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