Tynt, which says it is currently being used by more than 600,000 online publishers, may also be one of the industry's best-kept secrets, according to Lou Kerner, a securities analyst who follows social media and Internet stocks for Wedbush Securities. During a keynote Tuesday morning at MediaPost's Social Media Insider Summit in Key Biscayne, FL, Kerner showed data ranking Tynt as the eighth-largest Internet data collector, placing it just behind AOL and ahead of Audience Science and Rubicon Project.
After asking summit attendees for a show of hands, Kerner noted: "They're the eighth-biggest and nobody in this room has ever heard of them."
Kerner used Tynt as an example of how quickly new players become dominant in online media, especially in the burgeoning social media marketplace.
Tynt, which was founded in 2007, has raised $8 million from private equity investors to help develop tools to analyze the copy on publishers' sites, and specifically how it is being used and shared off the site via an array of social media.