A new survey says two in five online U.S. adults -- 43% -- have gone to the Web to comment, post, or read something about a TV show. The findings are from Harris Interactive and 24/7 Wall St., a financial news and opinion site focused on the U.S. and global equity markets.
Among 80 million+ people, one-third -- 33% -- have done so after watching a TV show or program. Somewhat less -- 18% -- have done so before watching a TV show, and 17% are interacting with social media while watching a TV show or program.
Younger online adults 18-34 are the big users of social media here -- 59% have said they have engaged with TV shows this way. The numbers are 40% for older 35- to-44-year-olds; 36% for 45- to-54-year-old viewers/users; and 28% for those who are 55 and older.
In looking at key behavior while watching TV, 31% of 18-34 adults say they are interacting while viewing. At the older end of the age spectrum, only 5% who are 55 and older do this activity.
Where does this social media activity happen? Fifty-three percent post comments on their own or to a friend's Facebook page, or a Twitter account or a blog. Forty-four percent do so on a Web site or page created by the TV content provider, such as a TV network's Facebook page or site. About one-third do so on related TV/media entertainment or news sites.
Women are more likely than men to engage in an individual forum -- 57% to 50% -- while men are more likely than women to do so on a separate media outlet's site: 38% to 27%.
Why do people use social media in regard to a TV show? Three-quarters of adults do it to gain more program information, while two-thirds do it for the analysis or summary or as an additional source of entertainment. About half say it's important to engage with other viewers.
Even more interesting is that Facebook comments about TV shows are searchable, even among people you don't know. Just use the name of the show as a search term within the website youropenbook.org (it's amazing what information you can learn about strangers who have their privacy settings set too low!)