
The Whole Story - Reaching Active Auto Shoppers

This USA TouchPoints analysis suggests that while TV and radio deliver mass reach among active car shoppers, it is digital media that leads the way relative total adults 18-64.

• It is not surprising that TV, radio and even mobile phones deliver average weekly reach (100%, 95% and 84%, respectively) that is broadly in line with the total adult population. The ubiquity of each of these media almost
ensures high reach and a low index against the broader population.


• However, when looking to other digital media, we find that active automotive shoppers — those visiting a dealership in an average week —  laptops, the Web and especially tablets index higher.

• It can be expected that if laptops index higher (at 117), then use of the Web will follow suit — in this case 129.

• What is perhaps more remarkable (but consistent findings of other USA TouchPoints analyses of tablet owners) is the extent to which tablet use among active automotive shoppers outstrips that of the broader adult population. The 28% average weekly reach among this group represents an index against adults 18-64 of 225.

• Although clearly not delivering the reach of any of the other media in the analysis at this time, the audio visual and interactive capabilities of the device — not to mention that it can be used in many scenarios — suggests that as device penetration continues to grow, the tablet has clear potential to reach car buyers and deliver a rich user experience.



1 comment about "The Whole Story - Reaching Active Auto Shoppers".
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  1. David Leider from Gas Station TV, October 12, 2012 at 11:07 a.m.

    Yes. This post is self serving as I am the CEO of Gas Station TV. Fact is though, when it comes to reaching auto shoppers, GSTV needs to be included in this conversation. GSTV's 100% driver audience indexes higher than any of the other media sited against auto shoppers, and delivers huge reach - today delivering over 34 million monthly drivers.

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