And while consumers have clearly demonstrated that they want to use their social identities across the web, says the report, they also demand the ability to choose from a variety of identity providers when they register and log into sites. The data included here is composed of data from all Gigya clients in Q2 (April – June) 2013, and reveals some remarkable trends in how consumers use their identities within different types of sites and apps. For example, in both the aggregate and in many individual verticals, networks like Google/Google+ have gained strong presences in social login.
Similarly, the data shows that users across verticals share content and products to a variety of social networks, most notably Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook.
While Facebook continues to hold a dominant share of logins, other networks, notably Google and Yahoo!, make up a large percentage of logins. (Login preference percentage in all data is % of total client sample)
Overall Social Login Preferences
For online retailers, Facebook is clearly the dominant identity provider, though Google/Google+ makes up a sizeable percentage of logins, expected to grow as Google Wallet gains traction in the vertical. Additionally, Amazon is a new entrant in the space, and may quickly become a significant factor due to its ecommerce brand equity, says the report.
Ecommerce Login Preferences
Media and Publishing sites and apps present a much more even distribution of logins. Facebook, wile still a well-represented choice among users, does not old a majority of logins among this group of social networking sites. Google/google+ and Yahoo! are again the other dominant providers, with each accounting for roughly a quarter of logins. Google+ logins have been strengthened by mobile as users are prompted to download a site’s corresponding Android app when they login with Google+.
Media/Publishers Login Preferences
Consumer brands also see a disproportionate percentage of users logging in with
Facebook. However, Google/Google+ has a strong share of logins.
Consumer Brand Login Preferences
Travel and Hospility properties show a similar distribution of logins to Media and Publishing, except that facebook and Google+ show growth at the expense of Yahoo!
Travel/Hospitality Login Preferences
Similar to Ecommerce, Education and Non-Profit users show a heavy preference towards Facebook login.
Education/Non-Profit Login Preferences
And, for Share Preferences, Facebook is still the number one destination for shared content among social networks, Pinterest and Twitter drive large amounts of sharing as well.
Share Preferences
Source: (All Charts) Gigya Customer Implementations, Q2 2013
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