NEW! Audi Ad Resurrects Captain Ahab And Moby Dick

audiEven in retirement, Ahab is haunted by Moby Dick. Back in 2012, Audi reimagined Herman Melville's “Moby Dick” with an overworked tow
truck driver in wintry conditions, and the elusive Audi Quattro as the only vehicle he’s unable to hook. In “Ahab Redux,” our tow truck driver has retired to a deserted tropical island where his tow truck is now stranded in a large sand dune. Despite the warm weather and idyllic location, our driver remains haunted by the Audi Quattro. He dreams of Quattro, sees tire tracks in the sand and hears the revving of an engine in the distance. The spot closes with Ahab merrily setting off on a fishing expedition, when Quattro drives past him on the sandy road. Ahab is left screaming “Quattro” as the car escapes. See it here, created by Venables Bell & Partners.



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