Devine Color uses the peppy music, stylish stop-motion animation and clean look that consumers expect from Target to introduce its new line of paints and re-positionable wallpaper
available only at the retailers.
A television commercial from Minneapolis agency Mono shows off the simplicity of the product, which comes only in 12 pre-mixed hues in half-gallon cans (as opposed to the typical gallon cans, and thousands of colors that can be created on-the-spot). The commercial shows a woman placing Devine paint cans in different areas of her home, as the colors from those cans spread out around it. A can of purple paint placed on a set of white shelves immediately begins to transform the wall behind them, for instance. The changes are meant to underscore the tagline: “See how simple stunning can be.”
“It’s about the ease of use. The decision-making process isn’t daunting; it’s just really simple. You’re not going to the store to pick out a paint color, have it mixed, get all the equipment and get it home,” Steve Jockisch, art director and designer at Mono, tells Marketing Daily. “You can just make a small change in your home, and it will have big results.”
Although the Devine Color line is only available at Target stores (and Mono has done work for the retailer in the past), the agency approached the campaign as an introduction to a new paint line, rather than for a retailer, Jockisch says. “We didn’t think of it as being an ad for Target; we thought of it as being an ad for Devine, which is available at Target,” he says.
The spot, which will run in 30- and 15-second versions, will appear on cable networks such as Bravo, Lifetime, A&E and Food Network. Print advertising will run in magazines such as Real Simple and Elle Decor.