As if it weren't bad enough that tech companies and management consulting firms are stealing business from ad agencies, they now have architectural firms to contend with. Say what? Yup,
that's right. Architectural firms. DC-based Hickok Cole Architecture has launched Jickok Cole Creative, which will offer branding, identity and print work for such companies as Bechtel, Cassidy
Turley, Pfizer, the Patent and Trademark Office, Lowe Enterpises and more. It's all to help the firm's clients design and market their projects. Of the launch, Senior Principal Yolanda Cole said: "We've already had a graphic design component within the firm,
and a strong marketing component. On the other side, there's a whole melding of what brand is, what lifestyle is, and how branding is making its way through lifestyle products." Watch your rear view
mirrors, agencies.
Hey - wait a minute. No fair, Canada! You can't just swoop in and steal our clients! We're talking to you, Cossette. Keep your paws off that Chicagoland
McDonald's account. What's Leo Burnett going to do now? Okay, just kidding. We love you, Cossette. Awesome work you've done with McDonald's Canada. No doubt you'll do well for Chicago as well. And it
looks like your president, Brett Marchand, is very excited! “We're extremely excited about working with McDonald's
Owner/Operators in the company’s hometown market. We started our partnership with one Canadian Owner/Operator 37 years ago in Quebec City, and this opportunity is another proud moment in our
continued evolution with McDonald’s.” Today, Chicago. Tomorrow, McDonald's America?
Hmm, Cossette. Maybe you want the Miller Lite account? It's available now,
since the brand has dumped Saatchi & Saatchi New York...without another agency lined up. Which leads us to believe things became untenable between the two. Of course no one is actually saying
that. In fact, MillerCoors VP Pete Marino has nothing but kind words to say about Saatchi and its CEO -- tellingAd Age: "We appreciate the efforts and professionalism from Brent Smart and his team behind our
brands. Any immediate needs for Miller Lite and Miller Fortune will be handled by other roster agencies, though we have a lot of current work to draw from that we recently debuted at our sales and
marketing conference. We have no timetable for the longer term, and will take our time making decisions that strategically make sense for both brands." RFP time, Cossette?