Belvedere Vodka named Modus Operandi as its global digital agency of record, following a review. The agency will manage Belvedere's mobile, social and web channels. In addition, Modus Operandi will
work alongside Belvedere's brand team to support the launch of its 2014 "Know the Difference" campaign. In 2013, Belvedere Vodka first launched "Know the Difference," which highlights the brand's
heritage of Polish vodka-making. "Going into this we had a clear need for an exciting creative vision coupled with accountable results to drive our business goals," said Charles Gibb, president of
Belvedere Vodka. "This combination is not as easy to find as one might think, so we are incredibly pleased with the end result." Belvedere Vodka spent $196,000 on Internet advertising in 2013,
significantly down from its $1.1 million spend in 2012, according to Kantar Media. That number does not include social media, online video, paid search and mobile elements. The brand did increase its
TV ad spend however, from $2.6 million in 2012, to $7.3 million in 2013, per Kantar Media.