Rentrak Granted Patent For 'Stickiness'

Rentrak, which in October said it was granted a patent for measuring when TV sets are turned on or off, this morning announced another addition to its intellectual property war chest: a U.S. patent for “stickiness.”

“U.S. Patent No. 8,904,419, issued on Dec. 2, revolves around a process to prove which TV shows have the most engaged viewers based on a ‘Stickiness Index’,” Rentrak stated, adding that the index is based on process indicating that “The more time spent viewing, the more likely a viewer is to remember advertising.”

Rentrak said the index is a key component of its TV Essentials ratings system, as well as its weekly audience measurement reports.

Image provided courtesy of Shutterstock.



2 comments about "Rentrak Granted Patent For 'Stickiness'".
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  1. Scott Gilbert from The Radio Mall, December 10, 2014 at 1:44 p.m.

    “The more time spent viewing, the more likely a viewer is to remember advertising.”

    Unless, of course, it all gets lost in the clutter of 13 minutes of ads per hour...

  2. dorothy higgins from Mediabrands WW, December 10, 2014 at 1:57 p.m.

    and the person who leaves the TV on the same channel while surfing the web, texting and going to the bathroom is sticky? Ha.

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