
Connectivity The New Attraction For Smart Devices

The attributes of connectivity may be the new twist to draw consumers.

With The Internet of Things, more activities can originate from more devices. For example, in addition to making a purchase via PC or smartphone, consumers increasingly are able to buy things from many devices.

Recent research indicates that most bankers expect it to eventually be common for consumers to make financial transactions using smart TVs, as I wrote about here yesterday (59% Of Bankers See Payments By Wearables As Common Within 2 Years).

And with Amazon Dash buttons, consumers can easily re-order household supplies with just a touch. With similar technology inside devices, machines can act on their own, so a printer can automatically order its own ink when running low.

And now brands are starting to attempt to leverage the IoT technology in the positioning of their products.

For example, Samsung’s portfolio of products, like smartphones and consumer appliances, come with the smarts built in so that they can automatically connect to other devices in the home.

The Samsung devices can be monitored remotely, so air conditioning or heat can be activated while on the way home, for example.

The key is that Samsung can market the connectivity of its products as a differentiator from competing brands.

Another brand, Audi, is starting a campaign promoting the advanced tech features in its cars. Rather than zeroing in on how the car drives, the viewer will be shown how the latest smartphone integrates with the car’s infotainment system.

Other automakers are taking essentially the same approach, focusing on advanced connected features in their cars.

In major purchases, this may lead the shopper of the future to consider connectivity as a major part of the purchase decision.

And that connectivity may ultimately determine how well the new product serves the consumer.


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