Scheppach's Matter More Working With Tapad To Model Reach, Frequency Across Devices

Matter More, a new advanced media startup founded by former Publicis and Starcom advanced TV specialist Tracey Scheppach, Wednesday announced a deal with cross-screen attribution firm Tapad to develop new ways of targeting consumers across screens.

Among other things, Scheppach implied the deal will enable Matter More to develop new reach and frequency models for targeting people across multiple devices by attributing their behaviors down to their device-level usage.

"Achieving unduplicated reach and frequency across all channels with true addressability, and the ability to measure outcomes, is marketing nirvana," Scheppach stated, adding that Tapad’s so-called “Device Graph” currenty represents the “best opportunity” to do that.

The Device Graph creates a “unified view” of consumer behavior data across all devices Tapad is capable of attributing users to.



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