Interpublic’s MAGNA, the IPG Media Lab and Twitter have released the results of a study they conducted that examined how the location of video ads on the social site impacts effectiveness.
The study examined key differences in effectiveness between Twitter’s Promoted Video ad placements: First View (Promoted Video at the top of the timeline) and “standard view” (Promoted Video throughout the timeline), among other things.
Results are based on a survey of 3,732 respondents that were recruited from a representative online panel on Smartphones and PCs. They were given an initial survey with demographic and media consumption questions, and then randomized into test cells. For the Twitter test cells, users logged into their own Twitter account and saw real time content from their feed, along with a test ad. For Web site takeover test cells, users were directed to a site to select which content they wanted to watch with the test ad positioned as the takeover.
Researchers collected data passively during the trial, including monitoring interactions and measuring time spent with ads. Participants then completed a survey that measured traditional branding metrics and qualitative feedback.
Among the findings: In-feed video ads located strategically at the top of the feed are twice as likely to be retained compared to similarly placed takeover ads on a Web site.
The probe also found that regardless of location within the targeted social feed, upwards of 67% of respondents found that ads served to them “were not only relevant to their interests, but unobtrusive and ultimately, informative.”
An IPG rep also provided these additional highlights from the study:
The full report on the testing can be found here.