Mobile Video Tops 60% Of Video Plays Globally

The mobile video market continues to grow at a steady clip, with mobile now accounting for 60.3% of all global video starts, according to the Q4 2017 Global Video Index Report from video software and services provider Ooyala.

North America lagged slightly behind the rest of the world, with mobile accounting for only 57.6% of video starts. However, mobile video starts still increased by 11% year-over-year in North America, according to the report.

Overall, video consumption was up significantly in 2017 compared to 2016, although there were striking differences in how and where consumers chose to view short-form and long-form content. Short-form content was particularly popular on PCs, tablets and mobile devices, while long-form content was popular on connected TV devices and on mobile. In fact, long-form content viewing actually declined on PCs in 2017 when compared to 2016.

“The primary screen is definitely shifting. All devices are not equal for video viewing,” said Jim O’Neill, Ooyala principal analyst, in a statement about the report.  “Consumers are as comfortable watching a sporting event, TV show or movie on a smartphone as they are on a connected TV, but not on their PC or tablet.”

When it comes to video advertising, viewership trends were consistent, with 55% of pre-roll ad impressions on broadcaster platforms viewed through mobile devices, compared to 36% on PCs.

1 comment about "Mobile Video Tops 60% Of Video Plays Globally".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, March 16, 2018 at 9:53 a.m.

    "Starts" and "plays" are not the same thing as time spent. The typical mobile video is much shorter in length than one accessed on a desktop PC. Nielsen confirms this with its time spent reporting which shows that mobile trails far behind desktop PCs in video minutes "viewed" despite the huge smartphone lead in general time spent activity.

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