2018 Political Ad Spend Grows, But Digital Media Dips

Amid overall political advertising midterm estimates, digital media will drop, according to one report.

Borrell Associates is raising its overall political advertising projections by 3.8% -- or $321 million -- to $8.8 billion, with radio, cable, newspapers and outdoor estimates higher.

Broadcast TV will still command the biggest share, at $3.4 billion -- 38.8% of all political advertising dollars. Cable TV will be next at $1.1 billion, 12.6% of the market.

During the last midterm elections -- 2014 -- The Cook Political Report said $2.8 billion was spent on total TV advertising.

However, digital media will go lower, largely due to social media -- a 12.4% decline “based on negative press about Facebook, as well as a drop in political spending on social media in Q1.”

Digital media will still tally $1.8 billion -- for a 20.1% share.

Radio will be at $683 million, (a 7.7% share), with newspapers at $619 million, (7%); telemarketing, $498 million (5.6% ); out-of-home $400 million (4.5%); direct mail, $223 million (2.5%); and other print, $97 million (1.1%).

The report also notes that direct mail will see a decline.



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