Campaigns Aim To Heighten Awareness About Fire, Water Safety

Arnold Worldwide is "sounding the alarm" with the American Red Cross to educate people about the danger of home fires, the most common disaster is the U.S. FCB Health is tackling water safety in time for the month devoted to it. 

The Arnold WW-ARC campaign is a socially driven effort focused on preparedness. It encourages people to wake up a friend or family member in the "most creatively alarming yet, safe way" possible, film it, and post it to their social channels using the #WakeUpChallenge hashtag. 

With the help of several social influencers and comedian Jimmy Kimmel, the hope is this project follows the viral success of the ALS Association's infamous Ice Bucket Challenge. 

The campaign is supported through a variety of paid social ads across Facebook and Instagram, all driving to a landing page at where visitors can learn more about the cause and donate to help install free smoke alarms in at-risk homes and to help fire victims recover.



The Red Cross is also hosting “Sound the Alarm” home fire safety events between April 28 to May 13 at more than 100 high-risk communities to install more than 100,000 free smoke alarms.

FCB Health is working with water safety advocacy group Colin’s Hope for a pro bono project to share basic water safety information during May, which is National Water Safety Month.

FCB Health and Colin’s Hope are "strategically promoting" water safety with  social posts that inform readers about water safety and drowning awareness. The posts are tagged with a  #NotOutOfTheWater hashtag. 

These posts will appear across social channels managed by FCB Health, Colin’s Hope and FCB Global. 
In addition, a new website dispels myths and misconceptions about drowning, providing parents and caregivers with the most accurate information so that they can act accordingly. 

Colin’s Hope is a Texas non-profit dedicated to water safety issues and named after Colin Holst, a four-year who tragically drowned in a public pool a decade ago. 



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