
Nellie's Free Range Eggs Responds To PETA Video

Nellie’s Free Range Eggs is refuting claims made by People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals in a video campaign. 

The company issued a statement about the video written about in a Mediapost article, “PETA Educates Shoppers What ‘Free Range’ Means.”  

It’s disappointing that PETA would choose to make Nellie’s Free Range eggs the target of an inaccurate campaign, says Nellie’s CEO Jesse Laflamme.

“At Nellie’s family farms, hens are raised with respect and dignity according to Certified Humane’s Free Range standard,” Laflamme says. “This standard requires ready access to vegetated outdoor range (weather permitting) as well as numerous welfare enhancements for the cage free barns. 



“Our humane practices stand in sharp contrast with the vast majority of egg producers in the U.S., and we can confidently say that the farmer shown in PETA’s video has a flawless history of upholding our high animal welfare standards, and is routinely audited by Certified Humane, as well as Nellie’s farm operations personnel.”

The video footage referenced in this video was taken during a Nellie’s farm tour, which are open to any member of the public,  Laflamme says. 

“We encourage consumers to visit our farms, meet our farmers, and to see firsthand where their eggs come from and how our hens are treated,’ Laflamme says. “We encourage consumers to learn more about our Certified Humane standards, family farm partners and farm tours, on our website at" 

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