Omnicom's Three-Phase Return To Office Plan

Omnicom has laid out a three-phrase plan for returning to the office.

The three phases envision 25% occupancy, 50% occupancy and full-use of office space. For now the firm’s company-wide work-from-home policy remains in effect.

Implementation dates will vary from market to market and be coordinated with governments advisories.

The company said that the shift from phase two to full-use will be implemented only when all social distancing protocols are lifted.

The company stressed that no one is required to return to the office if they feel uncomfortable doing so.

But the firm wants those returning to check their temperature daily and stay home if a reading of 100.4 degrees or higher registers.

The company is also asking mass transit commuters to where gloves and masks on trains and buses and practice social distancing during the commute.

Masks are advised for the work day at the office and will be provided where available. Frequent use of hand sanitation stations, which will also be provided, is advised.

More on the company’s return-to-work policy can be found here.





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