Amazon Specialist Content26 Acquired By Brand New Galaxy

Burgeoning European holding company Brand New Galaxy has acquired Seattle-based agency content26, a commerce and content specialist with a focus on Amazon. It’s the first North American M&A deal for BNG, headquartered in Warsaw, Poland. Terms weren’t disclosed.

BNG, overseen by CEO Kacper Kos, was founded in 2017 and has grown to 400-plus employees.  Its agencies include commerce shop Pathfinder 23, creative agency Life on Mars, digital agency Spacecamp  and marketing consultant Stratosfera. It also owns software and production outfits.

In addition to Amazon, Content26 has created client work for a number of leading online marketplaces, including Walmart, Staples, and Target.

Kos stated that the M&A deal will help scale its offering globally.



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