After releasing new video-messaging capabilities, WhatsApp is launching a feature that allows users to share their screen during video calls in the app, similar to video-conferencing experiences on Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams.
Meta says the feature is now available in-app via the “Share” icon, which invites users to either share their entire screen or another app while video-chatting.
In Meta’s words, users can use the feature for “sharing documents from work, browsing photos with family, planning a vacation or shopping online with friends, or just helping grandparents with tech support.”
In addition to screen-sharing, which has been in beta for a couple of months and is now available to all WhatsApp users, Meta has announced the future release of a new landscape mode for video calls on mobile that provides a “wider and more immersive viewing and sharing experiences.”
This is the newest feature in a recent line of video compatibility features on the encrypted messaging service.
At the end of July, WhatsApp made it possible for users to record video messages up to 60 seconds in the same way they record voice messages. In an effort to compete with other encrypted apps like Telegram and Signal, the platform has also added video notes, polls, and broadcast channels.