Weekly ratings for the major TV news networks airing news 24/7 spiked compared to the previous week, due to the assassination attempt on former President Trump.
Fox News Channel nearly doubled its audience from the week before -- up 90% to 3.9 million Nielsen-measured viewers for the week of July 8 through July 16. Fox continues to lead all cable TV networks in ratings. MSNBC was in second place, up 31% versus the week before to 1.2 million.
Like Fox, CNN grew 90% -- rising to 1.0 million prime-time viewers.
Total day viewers for Fox News, MSNBC and CNN were up 49%, 21% and 40%, respectively.
Due to intense coverage of the event -- especially on Saturday -- TV networks offered nonstop news coverage, dropping advertising breaks.
Fox dropped its number of commercial airings 15% to 3,970, according to estimates from EDO Ad EnGage, while MSNBC dropped ad breaks 16% to 3,470 airings and CNN pulled back 16%, to 3,450.
Fox News Channel dominated all 15 positions when it came to individual prime-time shows. “Hannity” was the top show with 4.2 million.
Over the past 90 days, Fox took in an estimated $303.6 million in national TV advertising revenue, followed by CNN at $181.5 million and MSNBC with $89.3 million, according to EDO Ad EnGage.
A year ago, Fox News came in at $332.7 million, with CNN at $186.6 million and MSNBC at $88.3 million.