Amplify Debuts Futures, New Practice Charts Tech Course For Brands

Creative agency Amplify has launched Futures, an innovation practice that helps brands navigate creative technology, entertainment and IP.

Innovation creative director Ed Hallam and Head of Special Projects Izzy Kertland will lead the effort. Futures has enlisted various AI specialists and creative technologists to help brands build immersive worlds and engage audiences.

Hallam’s background includes working with various brand-side innovation teams, including Google, Warner Media and Nike.

"Amplify continues to be known for innovation, pioneering nontraditional forms of marketing and technology. Each project moves the dial forward, infusing technology demonstrating the art of possible. Whether that is for Nike harnessing the power of music and energy from a party to transform a 15-meter sneaker installation into a generative art piece or helping Converse create a platform for emerging creative technologists to make their craft center stage," said Hallam.



Amplify’s client brand work includes Activision, Converse, EPIC Games, Google, Nike, PlayStation and Samsung.

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