by Steve Smith on Sep 25, 4:11 PM
Test and learn, gather data, repeat. That seems to be the formula for GM brands pursuing their prospects across an increasingly fragmented video landscape. David Spencer, asst. manager, audience buying strategy, had been test driving the major and emerging video screen platforms for years. Spencer joined Brand Insider this week to share his thoughts on the state of the new alphabet soup of video (SVOD, AVOD, OTT, CTV, et al).
by Steve Smith on Sep 18, 11:33 AM
Trust is everything in financial services, and in insurance especially longevity matters. And yet many legacy brands have launched D2C spin-offs like MassMutual's Haven Life, which targets married Millennials with a life insurance model that bypasses the usual agent/broker channel. Building a fresh, nimble D2C image while pointing towards 150-year-old stability is the hat trick for these brands. But as Brand Director Adam Weinberg tells us this week, Haven Life aspires to change the conversation around life insurance. Think confetti and hero moments rather than the end-of life euphemisms insurance ads have used for generations.
by Steve Smith on Sep 11, 9:35 AM
The brand was quick to recognize that off-premise is not just a channel but an experience just as important as dining in.
by Steve Smith on Sep 9, 12:15 PM
The dry, tech- and text-heavy approach to B2B marketing takes several pages from the D2C playbook in NI's deep rebrand.
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