by Steve Smith on Mar 15, 3:55 PM
It's not just about getting missing buttons replaced and taking that pet hair-infested suit jacket out for a refresh. ZIPS Cleaners is a national franchise of dry cleaners that hopes to break out of the narrow range of services associated with the category. We spoke with CMO Mary Ann Donaghy this week about how a new generation of consumers is looking for someone else to do their laundry, among other chores. It turns out that sending customers a drop-off laundry bag is often more effective just advertising new services.
by Steve Smith on Mar 7, 2:03 PM
When Dave's Hot Chicken outlets open in a new city, it feels more like a blockbuster movie premiere or iPhone launch days, circa 2013. Earned media buzzes for weeks, and long lines form early. Which raises a lot of good-to-have marketing questions about how a brand leans into and maintains cult status as it aspires to expand quickly. And how does it maintain that buzz well after launch?
by Steve Smith on Mar 1, 2:44 PM
New digital features are useless to your brand unless patients are actually using them. On MediaPost's recent Brand Insider Summit: Pharma & Health, Rite Aid's Dustin Humphreys shared how the company built a business case around digital adoption and how to measure utilization. By focusing on usage, not just features, the company has learned how to bend the adoption curve, so that "digitization" of the user base is adding real value to patient experience and brand investment
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