by Steve Smith on Apr 29, 3:51 PM
Slumberkins was built for this crisis, even if the founders of the emotional learning brand never quite had it in mind. In 2016, best buds Callie Christensen and Kelly Oriard applied their backgrounds in education, therapy (and being moms) to pairing cuddly creature toys with board books that taught youngsters lessons in emotional coping and socialization. First sold on Etsy, then accelerated by a "Shark Tank" appearance, the company has grown exponentially mainly on the strength of its deep social media interactions and organic growth. Christensen and her VP of Marketing, Vanessa Holfert, joined us to discuss growing a social-first …
by Steve Smith on Apr 23, 3:45 PM
While many brands are responding to the pandemic by putting their media plans on pause, Potbelly CMO believes in investing in moments of disruption.
by Steve Smith on Apr 16, 10:15 AM
Even this early in the Covid-19 crisis, we have been hearing it again and again from marketers: It's all about the content now.
by Steve Smith on Apr 14, 5:37 PM
"I don't think there's literally any chance the upfront happens on that normal May/June timeline," Horizon Chief Investment Officer Dave Campanelli tells Brand Insider.
by Steve Smith on Apr 10, 11:10 AM
Vitamix started a customer loyalty program not grounded in buying more stuff, but in rewarding people engaging with a growing library of content.
by Steve Smith on Apr 8, 12:00 PM
Melt Shop's "Melt It Forward" program provides deliveries to frontline health workers.
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