U.S. President May Boast About His COVID-19 Ratings, But He Trails British Heads Of State

The President of the United States may keep comparing his COVID-19 pandemic press briefing ratings to prime-time blockbusters like those of "Monday Night Football" or the season finale of "The Bachelor," but they pail in comparison to the TV ratings of COVID-19 addresses by two British leaders: Prime Minster Boris …
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  1. John Grono from GAP Research, April 23, 2020 at 5:23 p.m.

    Joe, those numbers are nit actually the rating.   They are the audience count in millions.

    The rating takes into account the population.

    The UK has around 65m people and the US has around 330m people,measning that  the UK has around one-fifth of the population of the US.

    Yet Boris and Queen Elizabeth's audience was around double that of Trump.

    In layman's terms, per capita, Trump gets around one-tenth the viewer proportion (rating) of the two British leaders.   And I still reckon that is way too high LOL.

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