Sixty-two percent of families who stream kids- and family-oriented content recently surveyed report having no access to linear TV, and 90% claim they rarely watch it.
The survey of 300-plus streaming families was commissioned by Future Today, which offers family-oriented advertising video-on-demand platform channels distributed by platforms like Roku, Amazon …
Thanks for pointing out the way main findings tend to support the bias of those who commission the study. When the results of a survey run counter to expectations, the research almost always winds up in a drawer, if it gets that far. Not surprisingly, audiences love TV. Too bad nobody asked if the parents loved their kids becoming avaricious consumers.
Amazing that they let slip some of the descriptions of their respondents---78% were Hispanic? As for the findings---60% of the kids who see ads--TV commercials?---"talk about them afterwards"----that's a humdinger.
It looks like they reached into the golf bag, pulled out the big driver and hooked the ball it into the adjacent lake and never made it to the green.