Premium streaming financial success requires a lot of different kind of TV/movie content -- not just a top-ten list or the most-viewed shows, according to one media-company focused stock-market research analyst.
Looking at Netflix, the dominant and consistently profitable premium streamer, MoffettNathanson Research says “63% [two-thirds] of viewership was driven …
Very interesting Wayne.
There is another way ti interpret that data.
For example the 1-10 Titles racked up 7,1 billion hours. That means that the average 1-10 Title racks up 710 million hours. Very impressive. Here is the table of the average hours per Title Band.
* The 1-10 Titles average 710 million hours
* The 11-100 Titles average 253.3 million hours
* The 101-500 Titles average 11.9 million hours
* The 501-15,019 Titles average 0.4 million hours
Now the ranking for average hours per individual titles are:
* 1-10 Title's average hours - 72.8%
* 11-100 Title's average hours - 26.0%
* 101-500 Title's average hours - 1.2%
* 501 - 15,019 Title's average hours - 0.0%
Same data viewed in a different way. Quite different stories.
Wayne, if the average Netflix "subscriber" is viewing 2.1 hours of Netflix content per day---as stated by the analyst---that implies that Netflix, somehow, knows who in each household is watching whenever its content is on-screen. But that can't be. In reality, all that Netflix knows is that a device was activated and that one of its shows---or movies---was played on that screen for a certain number of minutes. If an average viewer-per-set figure was applied---say about 1.2 - 1.4 viewers-per-set---which is slightly higher than the linear TV norm---and an average Netflix home had 2.7-2.8 residents---also slightly above the norm----then the average resident in a Netflix home watched only 45-50% of the time---or about one hour of Netflix content per day--- not 2.1 hours. Once again, this seems like a case of confusing set usage with viewing. You can't have the latter withour the former---but except for single resident households, the two metrics do not have a one for one relationship.