• Google Bows State-Specific Voting Guide
    Google just debuted a state-specific voting guide, which can be accessed by searching “how to vote,” and related queries. “Google breaks down the voting process in your state, complete with information on early voting, mail-in ballots, requirements and deadlines,” Engadget reports. “There’s also a drop-down menu that allows you to toggle among states.”
  • Clinton Campaign Addresses Theories About Her Health
    Recently, a number of reports have come out questioning Hillary Clinton’s health, mostly supported evidence gathered from photos and video clips. Clinton’s doctor, Lisa Bardack, released a statement: “As Secretary Clinton’s longtime physician, I released a medial statement during the campaign indicating that she is in excellent health.” There were also leaked medical documents that were allegedly signed by Bardack -- she announced that those were “not written by me and are not based on any medical facts.”
  • Obama Pressured To Overturn Orders That Prohibit Lobbyists From Working For The White House
    One of Obama’s major pledges in his 2008 campaign was the he would end the practice of the revolving door, where lobbyists move in and out of government positions. The head of the presidential transition group is asking Obama to consider overturning his executive order that restricts lobbyists from serving in the White House. The argument is that our next president would be missing out on key qualified staffers that have recently held lobbying positions.
  • Trump Asks Supporters To Take "Mainstream Media Accountability Survey"
    Donald Trump has upped his attacks on the media in recent weeks. He is now asking his supporters to back his frustration by taking a “Mainstream Media Accountability Survey.” That way, he can “have [his] own poll that shows the American people disagree with the dishonest media.”
  • Giuliani Forgets 9/11, Claims No Terrorist Attacks Before Obama
    Rudy Giuliani, who was the mayor of New York City during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, needs a memory reboot. He claimed there were no successful terrorist attacks on U.S. soil during the eight years preceding the Obama presidency. “They all started when Clinton and Obama got into office,” said Giuliani.
  • New Poll Shows 20% Of Young Voters Support Trump
    A recent USA Today/Rock the Vote poll found that about half of voters under the age of 35 lean Democrat, whereas only about one in five lean Republican. Of the respondents, 56% said they would vote for Hillary Clinton, and only 20% said they’d vote for Donald Trump. This poses a problem for Trump in the short term, but also for the Republican Party in the future.
  • Sanders Campaign Manager Joins DNC Conference Call In Show Of Unity
    Jeff Weaver, who served as Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’s campaign manager during the 2016 presidential cycle, joined a conference call held by the DNC as a “featured guest” on Monday evening. Weaver said of the call that he thinks “it was a genuine effort on the part of the DNC to make sure Sanders supporters feel welcome.”
  • Clinton Creates New Initiative To Drive Latino Voter Turnout
    It is becoming increasingly clear that if Hillary Clinton and the Democrats can boost voter turnout among minorities and particularly Hispanics, Trump’s road to the White House becomes extremely narrow. The new Latino outreach initiative, announced Sunday,  highlights the likelihood of deportation among young undocumented immigrants if Trump were to become president. Democrats hope the move will spur higher turnout of eligible voters in those communities.
  • Trump Spokeswoman Says Live On Air That Obama Invaded Afghanistan
    Donald Trump’s national spokeswoman Katrina Pierson blamed Obama for the invasion of Afghanistan live on CNN. This comes shortly after Trump said at a rally that Obama is the “founder” of ISIS. Pierson said: “It was Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton who then destroyed the entire rollout by wanting to pull out early … Remember, we weren’t even in Afghanistan by this time. Barack Obama went into Afghanistan creating another problem.” The problem? Her understanding of the sequence of events in the Middle East is completely wrong.
  • Trump's Campaign Chief Manafort Paid $12.7 Million By Pro-Russia Party In Ukraine
    Ukrainian investigators looking into the corrupt practices of former President Viktor Yanukovych have uncovered undisclosed cash payments to the head of the Trump campaign, Paul Manafort. Found on handwritten ledgers, which in and of itself sounds sketchy, the $12.7 million paid to Manafort was part of a series of illegal and off-the-books payment scheme.
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