The two big themes of our November issue of OMMA, mobile and video, came together in, of all places, André Balazs's The Standard in Manhattan in the shadow of the High Line. The NYC Wine and Food Festival had taken over half the Meatpacking District for the weekend, putting the focus back on actual meat, for at least a little while. (Don't worry, though, a week later the sort of prime USDA stuffed into too-tight mini-skirts and sequined tops you've come to expect once again prowled the cobblestones, teetering dangerously on stilettos.)
The Food Network, one of the sponsors of the event, and, who had set up a blogger lounge in the lobby of the aforementioned swank Balazs hotel held a contest. An iPod Touch was the prize in possibly the dorkiest contest in a lifetime of dorky contests. The task was to create as many words as possible from the names of four chefs whoare monickered like spare parts on a German automobile. The four submitters with the most words won. And, dear reader, wouldn't you know? We were among the winners. Mobile mana from heaven.
Not an organization to miss a branding opportunity, the Food Network preloaded its new Food Network Nightime app onto the devices. The Chairman from Iron Chef, looking very MPD with his Dancing With the Stars partner on his arm and purple shades in place, handed them out. Also on hand: Lure's Josh Chasin, winner of the People's Choice Award at the Burger Bash the night before, shouting across the beer garden at the Standard and generally acting like a Yankees fan.
But back to the Food Network app and the convergence of mobile and video: The app lists recent TV segments, letting you flip through, browse and watch, all from the device
-- forget all from the device -- all from within the app, smoothly and effortlessly. While we still have no interest in that spiky-haired road food dude, kudos Food Network.
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