Kia Sorento is also launching its first-ever Super Bowl ad
during the third quarter. "Joyride Dream" promotes the 2011 Sorento and stars a motley crew of characters, from "Muno," the red Cyclops from "YO GABBA
GABBA," Sock Monkey, a robot and teddy bear. The gang takes a roadtrip to Vegas with pit stops that involve bowling, riding a mechanical bull and jet-skiing. Teaser ads can be seen here and here, and the ending brings viewers back to reality.
David&Goliath created the ad.
The National Football
League has a 60-second and 30-second spot running in the Super Bowl. In "Greatest Fans on the Planet," New Orleans Saints' running back Reggie Bush goes airborne to make an
incredible touchdown; his feat is combined with a NASA-like countdown to a rocket lift-off. It's very cool. The ad also features fans of all ages showing team support. "To the best fans on
the planet, thank you," closes the ad, running at the end of the third quarter. "All Four Seasons," promotes the NFL Network and Clips of Brett Favre, Drew
Brees and Chris Johnson of the Tennessee Titans are interspersed with footage of changing seasons. Who doesn't love a good fall foliage shot? "The seasons may change, but there's always
football," ends the ad, airing at half-time. Grey New York created the campaign.
Fast Breaks: Yes, I am using a basketball term in my football round-up. It's the quirky in me. I wish I could talk more about the Snickers ad
starring Betty White and Abe Vigoda. I laughed long and hard at the spot, for reasons other than the fact that I'm a huge "Golden Girls" fan. "Game" will run in the
first quarter and emphasizes that "you're not you when you're hungry," while a spirited game of football is underway. BBDO New York created the
Taco Bell is running "It Rocks" in the first quarter. The ad features Charles Barkley, a cameo by Lamar Odom, and bad rhyming. Created by Draft/FCB, the spot promotes the Five Buck Box. See a teaser ad here.
Teleflora is back with another Super Bowl spot called "Mr. Warmth," promoting the brand's Valentine's Day "Red Hot Bouquet." The animated flowers-in-a-box are back; Don Rickles provides the voice for the abrasive flowers who remain mean and insulting. Negativity doesn't need to be used when selling a product. This ad will be received the same way last year's ad was: poorly. Fire Station created the ad.
Dockers is bringing khakis back in "Men Without Pants," a 30-second spot running in the second quarter. You can determine the gist of the ad by its title. There are lots of men walking around without pants. Draft/FCB San Francisco created the ad.
This concludes our countdown to the Super Bowl. See you next week for more shop talk.