Cold remedy Zicam has launched a redesigned Web site as part of a major marketing push to own the "pre-cold" category.
The interactive site, designed by Primacy of Farmington, Conn., includes an animated "cold monster" who is also included in their advertising, as well as a "cold monster tracker" that lets consumers check how at risk they are for a cold in their area.
The effort for the over-the-counter product includes a desktop and mobile experience that are tightly integrated with Zicam’s newly launched national advertising campaign, which also includes television, print, public relations, digital advertising and social media.
Primacy completed an initial redesign of in August 2012 that did not yet include the “Cold Monster,” which appears this week on the site for the first time. Since the initial redesign, the site has witnessed a significant traffic increase, realizing 64% more site visits in August and 15% more in September. Page views increased 14% in August and were up 66% in September.
Primacy worked with Grok, Zicam’s new advertising agency of record, in developing creative concepts, integrating the site’s theme with the national “Cold Monster” advertising campaign, setting up the site’s technical aspects and improving its search engine optimization (SEO). Primacy has partnered with Grok on several other projects out of Primacy’s New York office.
Primacy based the site redesign on Zicam’s new tagline, “Go from Pre-Cold to no cold faster.” The site includes a page titled “What’s a Pre-Cold?” which explains the new Pre-Cold market category that Zicam created.
Lino Ribolla, executive creative director for Primacy, noted that consumer goods companies like Zicam are often aggressive adopters of digital media, since many of their customers are active digitally, including on social media and mobile.