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Arden Bottles Taylor Swift's Girl Power For 3rd Fragrance

Betting that fans still can’t get enough of Taylor Swift, Elizabeth Arden is launching its third fragrance for the singer, called Taylor, by Taylor Swift. But instead of building the brand around boys and romance, it focuses on the connection between Swift and her friends.

“The challenge for every celebrity fragrance is to find the sweet spot between being relevant to what she is doing that’s current, while at the same time injecting a dose of timelessness into the concept,” Fabrice Croise, global business development director of SelectNY, tells Marketing Daily. “You want people to fall in love with the fragrance and wear it a long time, long after that particular concert tour is over.”

In Swift’s case, he says, “that was actually quite easy. She stands for things that are timeless, and a certain version of girl power. We treated her as a self-confessed girl’s girl, and focused on this emotional “power of we” that exists between young women and their friends. Taylor is sweet and touching, and we know from our consumer insights that she is very believable as a real girl.”

Swift recruited three of her real-life pals to star in the TV spots, shot in the style of a handheld camera: They horse around on swings, playing dress up, taking Polaroids and cruising in a convertible. Spots are set to her hit, "Starlight," and end with her telling viewers: “From me to you, my new fragrance -- Taylor.”

The full campaign includes two 30-second TV spots, as well as a teaser, in addition to print, social and in-store ads. The launch follows Swift’s recent win for Fragrance Celebrity of the year at The Fragrance Foundation Awards. (Her first two fragrances, also by Arden, are Wonderstruck and Wonderstruck Enchanted.)

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