A word of advice to agencies and clients alike. It's a given that you're not always going to get along. It's a given you will say things you later regret and will apologize for. It's a given
you will likely part ways at one point or another. It's also a given that your innermost secrets will be laid bare if you ever end up in a courtroom like Apple and Samsung
currently are. Or simply find your innermost thoughts "leaked" for
all the world to see. So the next time you decide to stick your foot in your mouth, you might want to do it in person. It will certainly be more difficult and embarrassing. But there will be no email
trail for all to see.
And speaking of Apple, the brand will add
four digital
agencies to its roster, including AKQA and Huge, in an apparent bid to retain its relevance. These four agencies will join a fairly large roster that currently includes Profero, Rosetta, Traction and
Eleven. Hmm. Perhaps it’s all in reaction to Apple CMO Philip Schiller's umbrage over TBWA's assessment of the brand marketing as revealed in recently leaked emails. Things are not looking good
for TBWA.
McCann Worldgroup has named Michael McLaren as CEO of MRM//McCann. McLaren has been serving as president of MRM//McCann since May 2013. Hank Summy will continue to serve
as president of MRM//McCann North America and the Global Commerce practice. Of the move, McCann Worldgroup Chairman and CEO Harris Diamond said: “Michael is an enormously talented leader with a
very strong record of helping clients build their businesses. He is ideally suited to the task of leading MRM//McCann and continuing to further develop and grow the brand throughout the world. We look
forward to his continued success in driving our clients’ businesses forward.”
Lowe and Partners has brought in Naomi Troni to fill a new global chief growth officer
role. She will oversee the agency's marketing and new business efforts. Previously, she was with Havas for 10 years. At Havas, she held global marketing and new business roles. Troni will start the
new gig this summer and will remain based in London until she moves to New York. Of the hire, Lowe and Partners CEO Michael Wall said: "Now we've got our act together, I felt we needed someone who
could drive business development and with a particular focus on America for Lowe.